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[French] Replacing a noun by "en" or "le"
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Posted on 15/03/2022 at 19:39:04

by RudyT

When you say "Je t'envoie un message", how do you know if you can replace "un message" by "en" or "le"?

For example, in this case, should you say "Je te l'envoie" or "je t'en envoie un"?

I found both sentences so I am bit confused.

Posted on 16/03/2022 at 00:27:47

by TheLibrarian
Hello RudyT,

- In the sentence

je te l'envoie

"l' (le)" represents an object. In this case, it represents a message that is known, which means

je t'envoie le message

- In the sentence

je t'en envoie un

"en" is used for a quantity or a number of something, here only one message.

You can find more details about the use of "en" here:

Posted on 17/03/2022 at 23:02:28

by RudyT
Oh yes, it makes sense. Thanks. 😉
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