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[Visual Studio] [C++] printf does not display instantly
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Posté le 01/12/2021 à 19:12:57

de ExaSec56

I have another question. I am trying to make a print in my C++ code.
When I use
printf("My text \n");

the print is done at the end of the execution of the program.
However, when I use
std::cout << "My text" << std::endl;

the print is made instantly.

What is the difference between using printf and cout?
Is it possible to use printf and get an instant print?

Posté le 01/12/2021 à 19:43:09

de TheLibrarian
Actually, when you use printf which comes from C language, the print is done at the end of execution because stdout is buffered. If you want to print instantly, you can specify it by adding an instruction to release stdout from the buffer as follows
printf("My text \n");

In that case, it will work as well as std::cout.

However, C++ gives us std::cout. Why don't you use it instead of using a C function in a C++ code?

Posté le 02/12/2021 à 08:35:01

de ExaSec56
Yes, I should use cout. It is just that I am used to write C codes and so I usually use C functions that I know.
I will try to take more advantage of the abilities of C++ instead of still coding in C language while writing a C++ code. 😄

Thank you.
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