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Toyota Yaris hybrid and maintaining the battery charge
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Posté le 26/12/2020 à 04:05:41

de Seb_42

Notice to all owners of Toyota Yaris Hybrid (or more generally Toyota Hybrid).
A problem arose during the multiple lockdowns and traffic restrictions concerning the maintenance of the charge of the 12V battery. I have had some problems with the battery of my vehicle because of its long-term immobilization.

So here are some tips:

- It is advised to start the car at least once a week (every 4 days if the battery is more than 4 years old) for a while without necessarily driving the car. So, for hybrid cars, you have to leave the vehicle in parking mode ("P") and start the car ("Ready" mode).

- On the Belgian Toyota website, it is indicated that it is recommended to leave the vehicle in this state for 10 minutes. It is specified that even if the gasoline engine stops, the battery will continue to charge on the basis of the high voltage battery ("même si le moteur à essence s’arrête, la batterie continuera à se charger sur base de la batterie haute tension").
The recommendation is available here:

- Toyota France seems to recommend doing the same procedure at least once every 10 days and leaving the vehicle running for 20 to 30 minutes.

- Toyota UK also recommends doing this same procedure: "We recommend you put the car in 'Ready' mode for about 60 minutes before switching it off again and repeat the process at least once a week ".
The recommendation can be found here:

However, they all recommend not to leave the car unattended when it is in "Ready" mode!

If the 12V battery of your car is flat, it is too late to use this procedure since it is not possible to put the car in "Ready" mode.

Hope this is helpful.
"Le silence est un état d'esprit qui devrait faire plus de bruit."

Posté le 27/12/2020 à 02:20:11

de BetaGamma
Thanks! Very helpful.

A Toyota UK dealer advised me to drive the car for a long distance of at least 25km once a week. So if we drive between 30km/h and 50km/h, it is as if we drive between 30 minutes and 1 hour (more or less). Which corresponds to the recommendations you gave us.
Beta + Gamma

Posté le 19/11/2022 à 17:02:56

de Harry
Is it enough to disconnect the 12V battery on my Toyota Yaris (2020) before storing the car for a few weeks or does the High Voltage battery need to be disconnected as well?

Posté le 19/11/2022 à 18:43:08

de Seb_42
What do you mean by the High Voltage battery? Are you talking about the electric engine?
"Le silence est un état d'esprit qui devrait faire plus de bruit."

Posté le 19/11/2022 à 19:18:54

de Harry
Yes. In forums, I've seen it referred to as the high voltage battery, as opposed to the 12V.

Posté le 19/11/2022 à 19:33:58

de Seb_42
Ah I see. The problem is the 12V battery. This battery is used to start the car, so if it is flat, you cannot start the car without an external power source. But if the electric engine has no power, it is not a problem because there is still the combustion engine and it will recharge the electric engine.

So I think the main problem is the 12V battery. The electric engine can be flat and recharged but the 12V battery should always have a little bit of energy. And also, it is usually not a good idea to touch the electric engine. I personally prefer not to touch it and let the mechanic manipulate it.

But I am no expert. You can contact Toyota customer service if you want to make sure.
"Le silence est un état d'esprit qui devrait faire plus de bruit."

Posté le 19/11/2022 à 20:15:19

de Harry
Helpful information in understanding the issue. Thank you.
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