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SOUTIEN SCOLAIRE, aide en INFORMATIQUE, aide pour apprendre le FRANÇAIS et l'ANGLAIS, discussion sur vos centres d'INTÉRÊTS et LOISIRS...

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Contenus sur l'informatique en français

Difference between "execute" a script and "source" a script
To launch a script and run it line by line, you have to either source it or execute it: Different ways to run a script.

  • Sourcing : allows to launch a command in the process of the current shell.

  • Executing : allows to launch a command in a new shell.

Here is a summary of the differences between sourcing and executing:
  • launch a new shell process
  • run the commands in this new shell
  • run the commands in the current shell
  • copy the outputs in the current shell
  • close the new shell
  • send the outputs in the current shell
  • the changes in the environment are not taken into account in the new shell and will be lost at the closure of this new shell
  • the changes in the environment are taken into account in the current shell and will remain after the run
  • you need to have the execution rights on the script
  • it is not necessary to have the execution rights

So if you want your script to change the environment of the current shell, you have to source. Otherwise, you have to execute.
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