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[Challenge] Try to reproduce ReoCLIK title with AI (artificial intelligence)
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Posted on 20/12/2023 at 22:40:18

by TheLibrarian
Hello friends! 🙂

I would like to challenge you today. With IA, you can now produce nice images from text using keywords.

The challenge is to try to produce an image as close to the below image as possible using IA and nothing else.

You can use any generator using IA like ChatGPT/DALL·E 3 or simply Bing ( It is up to you. But there must be no postprocessing on the image generated by IA.

You can also provide the keywords you used to help the others.

To display the images on the forum, you just need to use the tag IMG as show below:


Good luck!

Last edit: 20/12/2023 at 22:42:08

Posted on 21/01/2024 at 17:54:47

by ExaSec56
I gave it a go. But to be honest, I have been trying to reproduce the image for a while but I am far from getting the same. 😅

It's not that easy actually. I can get the arrow but not in the middle. It is quite random. I struggle to get the name ReoClik. And then the AI gives basically whatever it wants. 😄

Posted on 25/01/2024 at 14:36:15

by TheLibrarian
I tried myself too and I don't manage to get something that looks like the official image, not even close. As you say, the AI gives whatever it wants. You cannot get what you imagine as accurate as your description could be.

I think this is the problem with AI when it comes to visual representation. If you want information, you can get what you could find yourself after some search on the Internet. But for image, it could be anything. The Artificial Intelligence has actually no "intelligence" to really understand the request. 🤷‍♂️

It is just fun if you don't expect anything. You could be surprised by the result. But if you expect something specific, you are unlikely to get what you want.
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